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Thanks to excellent physical parameters, the SIPsCZ panel system has excellent thermal properties. High thermal resistance of the construction (R), low heat losses and thus excellent heat regulation in the house together with technical security (solar panels, heat recovery ..) cost!

Buildings from the SIPsCZ panel system fall into the category of low-energy buildings (15 to 50 kWh / m2 year) to passive construction (5 to 15 kWh / m2 year). This construction system is ideal for construction in a low-energy class of construction designed for truly extreme temperature conditions.

Our materials are designed and built of high quality with the necessary thermal-technical insulation, windows with insulating glass, solar panels, recuperation, or heat pump to achieve a truly low-energy standard. These technologies and their well-designed combinations are a matter of course for HAPPY WOOD SE , which guarantees that we are building in the most energy-efficient building classes.

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